
Custom Artwork Made Your Way

I love having "one of a kind" art pieces in my home.  Granted, I can't afford to pay someone to create unique artwork for my home.  Don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of massively produced paintings and prints, but I wanted something that was truly unique and mine.

I made this image through Photoshop Elements.  This took a long time, but it was worth it.  You can also find images everywhere and there are plenty that can be purchased.

Once I had my image the way that I wanted it, I printed it off and cut it out to make a template.  Then I grabbed a stained board that I was going to use for another project (but found out I didn't need it) and started painting!  So much FUN!

Then I placed the template over it and used a pencil to trace the image so that I could erase any remaining marks.  Then, I painted some more.

Once I had my painting the way I wanted it, I put on a coating of Modge Podge to seal the wood and protect it.

I LOVE IT!  It's something that is totally unique and my own.

Strictly Homemade Tuesday

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