
Six Summer Dishes

I'm constantly on the lookout for fresh new recipes to try out on my family.  Luckily, I stumbled upon these while going through my email.  My personal philosophy on recipes is that once they've been found (and tried) then they need to be shared.  Unfortunately, these have not yet been tried and tested here at my home, but they have definitely made my weekly menu list and really had to be shared!  So, without further ado...

I love seafood, but for those of you who haven't quite developed that love then I would recommend that you start with crab cakes.  They tend to be on the more mild side of seafood flavors.  I can't wait to swap out our traditional homemade hamburgers for some crab cake burgers.  YUMMY!

If you're looking for a way to change up an old favorite then I would recommend these.  Turkey really would be such a refreshing twist to the normal beef tostadas.

 I want to try this recipe with a tuna or some kind of crabmeat salad.  But, the chicken salad would be just as delicious and perfect for those of you who aren't the biggest fans of seafood.

 This meal made the list because I have been dying to give eggplant a try.  Nope, I've never tried it before and I'm eager to start introducing my girls to new flavors and foods.  Although, we'll probably all think it's awful and end up getting take out the night I make it.

 Another healthy twist on a old favorite.  I love that this recipe doesn't use your traditional pizza sauce and spices things up with fresh corn.  My girls love pizza, so it will be interesting to see how this one stands up to those two.

 I love that this is quick, easy, light, and healthy.  And just think of all the yummy veggies you could pile up in one of these wraps. 

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