Christmas Block Ornaments


I made these block ornaments last year as birthday gifts for my mom and mom-in-law.  I wanted each of them to have some ornaments of representing their grandkids and after seeing this tutorial I knew these blocks would be a big hit...and they were!
I did change things up a bit with the ones that I made.  Instead of using a cup hook I decided to use an eyelet hook.  I didn't want the ribbon falling off each time they were packed away into storage.  I also wanted to differentiate between boys and girls ornaments, so I made sure to print all of the girls names onto a red paper while the boys were on a green one.  Then I made sure the ribbon color cordinated with their name colors.  In other words, the boys blocks were green with green ribbons while the girls were red with red ribbons.
I fell instantly fell in love with them and decided that I wanted to have a set for my own tree, but I didn't want to just stop there.  I decided that I wanted to have a block representing each year.  One for each of our kids and one of the family.  So, I went back into our photo archives and dug up some past pictures representing a family photo for each year we've been married.  Then, I made one for each of my girls.  I know that may seem like a ton of blocks hanging on one little tree, especially as the years go by, but the goal is to give my girls their set of blocks to hang on their own trees some day and keep them family blocks for myself. 
I finshed all of them, but I have not taken the pictures yet, so here is the file of my pictures to give you an idea of what you can do with these fun ornaments.



Heather said...

so are these pictures modgepodged onto hard blocks or empty on the inside? was thinking if they are empty then they will get sqashed over time

Heather said...

so are these pictures modgepodged onto hard blocks or empty on the inside? was thinking if they are empty then they will get sqashed over time

Peach said...

Heather - I was asking the same thing... yes it is Mod podge... but, if you look just below the 1st picture there is a link - it says this tutorial (in pink) - click on it & it will show you how to do it.

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